Yoga Comfort Zone

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Hips, Heart, Head

I want to keep this short, sweet and to the point. Otherwise, I'll go on forever.

Hips, heart and head

All connected through the spine and/or our central channel, can be areas where we store a lot of "stuff," get stagnant or lock up. Which is probably why the main requests in class are hips, back, heart, shoulders and neck.


If you think of your pelvis (and sacrum) as the foundation of your spine (central channel) then we want to be sure that is stable to support the rest.

Since we are mobile, we also want the area of the hips to find freedom rather than storing the past.

We can also relate this area to Earth and Water elements, so we want to feel grounded and fluid.


The heart area is energetically how we relate to others and ourself. It's so closely related to lungs and life that it's an area that can close up for protection. 

The heart is related to Air Element. Also, related to Love. If it's blocked in any way, anger can be experienced.

We would love this space to feel free, so we breathe easier, love easier and open to life.


Though the head is at the top, and can sometimes take precedence because we have so many senses connected there and spend a lot of time on these screens, the body is not a hierarchy and is better considered as a whole.

I say this because we can have the tendency to lead from our head... physically, mentally and energetically. If we can check in with all three areas, we're guided even more intelligently.

The head is related to Ether (space). Great concept to keep in mind ;)

I'll keep fleshing this out in classes (as I tend to add little tidbits here and there).

May you find freedom in your hips, heart and head,
