Somatics and Yoga
If you have not heard of somatics, here are a couple definitions...
"Somatics is a field within bodywork and movement studies which emphasizes internal physical perception and experience." ~Wikipedia
"... all human beings are self-aware, self-sensing, and self-moving: They are self-responsible somas. The somatic viewpoint recognizes not only that human beings are bodily beings who can become victims of physical and organic forces, but also that they are equally somatic beings who can change themselves. Humans can learn to perceive their internal functions and improve their control of their somatic functions." ~Thomas Hanna in Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health
"Soma" is a Greek word typically translated to mean "living body."
Both Yoga and Somatics ask us to become more aware of ourselves while also being aware of our surroundings.
For instance, here's a practice I've shared in class called Orienting. Take a moment to let your eyes wander around (read this first). Slowly, take in your surroundings. Also, notice the sensation of sitting or standing. Experience how your body feels, as you notice colours, textures, light, shadow and anything at all. Notice that you're breathing.
How are you feeling now?
I learned this practice from a course I took, in 2015, called Yoga and Psyche. There are many more practices as well. Like the way Yoga has many practices. Once you notice more clearly, how you're feeling, you can make adjustments as needed. Similar to when I suggest allowing your body to move freely. My body instinctively knew this before being taught. We all did when we were kids.
Synchronistically, on this same day, last year I shared something similar to this. Read that here. I'll be sure to share more in my next post since this is such a big topic. Also like Yoga :)
Side note: My friend, Sandy, is launching her book, Thriving in Chaos, with quite a few helpful tools for stress management. Join the launch here
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