Spring Cleaning Reading List
A reading list for April showers and Spring Cleaning...
I'm in the midst of a big purge, so I can move and housesit for the summer.
I've always kept to the minimalist side of things, yet there are a lot of small things tucked away that I've held onto for years, and this will be the first time I move somewhere that's already furnished. Out with the old!
I decided to find some inspiration for the task and came across a book called A Year of Less by Cait Flanders.
She spent a year decluttering and forgoing some typical spending. It was a quick read and supportive to hear about her experience with a year of less stuff. The Kindle edition is only $1.99, right now if you're interested (link above).
Soon after, I found a book called What Your Clutter is Trying to Tell You by Kerri L. Richardson. I devoured this book because I love how it relates so well to Yoga, Buddhism and our psychology.
“Clutter is a roadblock to abundance in all its forms.”
Acknowledge Abundance
Much of the practice of Yoga involves aspects of clutter clearing, letting go and experiencing the truth of the abundance surrounding us.
Last Spring, I wrote a couple blog posts about Spring Cleaning and my favourite word.
Like any practice, this makes sense and seems simple, yet may not be all that easy to implement until practiced regularly.
Limiting Beliefs
Often, when we go about making changes, our limiting beliefs show up. In his book, The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks suggests that we have an Upper Limit Problem (book in the photo above with the adorable bookmark).
“Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy.”
Support: Here's a guided Yoga Nidra to Clear Clutter.
I'm heading back to my own decluttering and wishing you well with yours. Let me know how it goes or connect anytime.
Hope you find some good reading and clearing for these rainy, Spring days,