Food Porn... I Mean Yoga
Both actually.
This was my breakfast this morning. I was immersed in creating it, photographing it and eating it... all of which I consider to be yoga. Yoga as in union and being present with the moment and what it holds.
Disclaimer: I rarely follow an actual recipe, so bear with the measurements and make it your own creation. That's the fun part :)
Frozen banana
Fall Spice Smoothie
1 1/2 Frozen bananas
1 tsp shredded coconut
1 Tbsp coconut butter
1 Tbsp lucuma powder
water (depends the consistency you want)
Apple and pecans
4 slices Honeycrisp apple (favourite!)
1 Tbsp chopped pecans
2 pinches cinnamon
2 pinches ground ginger
1 pinch nutmeg
1 pinch ground cloves
Blend all the ingredients together. I use a Magic Bullet, so this makes one cup as pictured.
Topping: cinnamon... anything you want
making crumble
Raw Crumble
2 handfuls of pecans (I use soaked and dehydrated dates and usually process it all at once except I used some pecans in the smoothie)
1 handful raisins
Process above ingredients in a food processor until crumbly
Whatever kind of fruit you want to put it on top of or mix in. I used mixed berries.
I warned you about the measurements ;)
The End.
Both of these recipes are vegan and high raw, healthy and delicious.
You can find more food porn and assorted photos on my Instagram.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I'd love to hear about your own creations.
Looks like the beginning of a new creation ;)