Reading List Continued...
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The book pictured above is Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson. Another laugh-out-loud kind of book with an important topic of mental illness.
“My grandmother used to say, “Into everyone’s life, a little rain must fall - rain, assholes, and assorted bullshit,” I’m paraphrasing. But she was right. We all get our share of tragedy or insanity or drama, but what we do with that horror is what makes all the difference.”
Another book, with a very important topic, is Yoga for a World Out of Balance by Michael Stone. He recently passed and left us all with wonderful teachings and some topics of conversation to continue on.
“We are numb to the suffering of the human and nonhuman world because we keep avoiding our suffering through sensual gratification. Opening to suffering is not a negative spiral or a burden in any way at all; rather, human difficulty puts the meaning of our lives into exceptional clarity and context.”
One of my favourite books (though I love so many, really) is Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Kimmerer
“If grief can be a doorway to love, then let us all weep for the world...”
Let me know if you read any of my suggestions, what you think and any great books you've read.