“It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid and say the opposite.”
My mind got busy debating what to write about though I had somehow decided that the title of this post was to be "Twitterpated." Truly, because I love that word and Spring so much. The chatter comes when I think I need to say something wise, witty or even profound. When really all I want to do is share and connect with you.
How easy it can be to complicate things. How often do I over-think, want something to be a certain way or strive for perfection. How much easier it is to simplify. Easier is relative. This can also be challenging. My mind may want to tell stories about everything that may be going on in the moment, in the last moment, what may happen in the next moment. When I simplify, there is only now. Only this breath. Only movement, sensation or stillness. Maybe all of those, but I do not need to add my opinion of them or conjure up some reason for why or how something may be in the moment.
With Spring now here, I'm still feeling the urge to Spring Clean and clear clutter. I'm bringing Saucha back... Saucha is often translated as Purity as in cleanliness of mind, body and surroundings. It's also thought of as simplicity, which I love, because it's a breaking down to the basics. Again, cleaning out the clutter, so to speak, not only externally but of the body, the mind, emotions and spirit.
When I play with this as an intention, I get to simplify. Simply breathe. Simply feel sensations. Simply make a shape with my body and see what happens. No need to analyze, over instruct myself or others or take things too seriously. Simply experience. Simply Be.
“Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway.”
Where can you be more like the bumblebee? ;)