Why Practice Yoga?
This cutie is really good at it.
Yoga = Union
The practice of Yoga is not only the asanas (postures). It’s being present with/in (within) the moment, whatever that includes. To that end, there are many practices.
However, the asanas all have purpose. They are meant to help the body feel better/be more comfortable, become more flexible and strong and especially breathe efficiently so it’s easier to be in the moment.
They may create discomfort or show you where it’s been hiding out. They are not meant to inflict pain. Ahimsa is the first practice.
Instead of ‘no pain, no gain’: ‘if strain, no gain.’
This doesn’t mean there will be no effort. Simply that it doesn’t become straining. Especially the kind that makes you accidentally hold your breath or hurt yourself (I’ll write more on this in another blog).
But Why?
If you simply breathe freely, your body is more efficient at transferring oxygen and other necessities to every cell and removing toxins. If you move freely, you’re less likely to get injured or build up tension (that can turn into dis-ease of many kinds), and you breathe better. If you move and breathe freely, so does digestion, emotions, thoughts, etc.
Breath is Prana - Life Force.
When we also practice stillness it can help balance out all of the busyness.
When you are more in touch with you, you find out what you have to offer yourself and the world.
Be a Student
Beginners mind is an open mind. There is space to receive.
I first learned yoga from magazines and books. Then I took my first 200-hour training (in 2008) and that led to more than 1000 hours of diverse trainings. I’m a perpetual student. I also learn from teaching (as we all do).
I love all the classes that I teach, and I hold a particular fondness for Yoga for Beginners, Yoga Nidra and one-on-one sessions. There is more exploration. More depth.
I would love to share yoga with you. If you’ve never tried Yoga for Beginners or a one-on-one session, I highly recommend either for beginning or deepening your practice.
See you on the mat,
PS feel free to comment here or email me at yogacomfortzone@gmail.com